
The use of count and uncountable noun

 THE USE OF COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUN ( Penggunaan Kata Benda Yang Dapat Dihitung Dan Kata Benda Yang Tidak Dapat Dihitung ) PERHATIKAN kalimat-kalimat dibawah ini! (Pay attention to the sentences below!) Add some salt (garam) Do you have information (informasi)? Give me your advice (saran) Gracia has black hair (rambut) He has much money (uang) He has seen that film many times (beberapa kali)  I am drinking a glass of water (air) I love music (musik) Iron is made of sand (besi) It is dark here, there is no light here (cahaya) Pass me a loaf of bread (roti) Please add a sponful of sugar (gula) Rice is expensive (beras) She bought a can of milk (susu) Kita melihat bahwa kata-kata yang dicetak tebal diatas disebut uncountable noun (kata benda yang tida dapat dihitung ). Artinya, Kita tidak dapat menggunakan a,an,the,one,two,three.four,five, etc + kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung (uncountable nouns) karena kita tidak dapat menghitung benda tersebut. Uncountable nouns ini tidak d

Congrarulating and complementing

 A.congratulating Congratulationg is one of the expressions used when you want to say success or good moments to others. congratulating example -     Congratulations! -      Congratulations for winning the bike race! -    Congratulations Zahra to become the champion of the English speech contest -      Congratulation on your graduation! Responding -      Thanks -      Thank you -      Thank you very much -      Thanks a lot -      Thak you so much -      Thanks for saying so -      It’s very kind of you to say so B.complementing Compliment is an expression to appreciate or praise other people. Compliment is useful to give encouragement so that people will keep on doing their best and even improve their performance. When to express compliment 1. When someone has done his/her best       ex: What a wonderful performance 2. When you visit someone’s house for the first time      ex: Your house is so amazing  3. If you notice something new about someone’s appearance.        ex: What a nice d